Impact Networks:
Create Connection, Spark Collaboration, and Catalyze Systemic Change
(Berrett-Koehler Publishers, October 2021)
Select Articles
Authority Magazine:
Big Ideas That May Change the World
Dialogue Review
: Building Impact Networks
(top 10 article of the year)
Indian Management:
A Shared Future
(cover story)
Stanford Social Innovation Review:
Cultivating Change Amidst Collapse
Stanford Social Innovation Review:
Fostering Self-Organization
(book excerpt)
All Articles
Business Magazine:
Four Roles for Decentralized Organizing
CEOWorld Magazine:
Bringing Your Network Together, Six Strategies for Success
Chief Executive:
How To Cultivate An Impact Network, Five Core Activities
Evolve Magazine:
In den Beziehungen Entsteht die Kreativität (Creativity is Born in Relationships)
Network Weaver:
Return on Relationships, Four Ingredients of Trust
Stanford Social Innovation Review:
Cutting Through the Complexity, A Roadmap for Effective Collaboration
(top 10 article of the year)
Stanford Social Innovation Review:
Five Steps to Building an Effective Impact Network
**Stanford Social Innovation Review
Learn Before You Leap, The Catalytic Power of a Learning Network
Stanford Social Innovation Review:
Tactics of Trust